RE-Wilding Relationships

How is Coaching Different than Therapy?

Coaching is strictly solution-focused.
We work in the present moment and on future goals.
Accountability is a key part of coaching.

Coaching is NOT regulated in the United States, unlike Therapy.

Coaching is NOT covered by insurance.

I am currently working with Coaching clients that are 100% dedicated to investing in themselves and their healing journey.

Coaching Services:

Monthly ONLINE LIVE Group Coaching

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coaching

Narcissists flock to empaths like a moth to a flame. It’s a challenging road to navigate because abuse affects your brain, your way of thinking, your behavior and many to all aspects of your life, including the ability to have healthy, functional relationships.

I have trained with incredible teachers and experts and will educate you on what trauma is, what abuse does to your brain, grandiose tactics, teach you various how to release trauma from your mind + body and support you in creating a purposeful life with fulfilling, healthy relationships.

Check out my online course & 40-pg 3-book here,
RE-Wild Yourself From Narcissistic Abuse

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching helps you identify your blind spots and enhance your leadership skills.

We will work together and focus on:

My job is to help you strategize, hold you accountable and keep you on track in reaching your goals.

I have experience working with C++ executives and am familiar with the unique challenges and pressures executives face in the workplace and in personal lives.

Relationship Coaching for the Workplace

Unresolved and unhealed personal issues can spill over into the work environment. Disagreements are a given. As humans we have to get good at conflict resolution.

We will work together and focus on:
Personality differences
Communication tools/techniques that help grow healthy workplace environments
Improvement Analyisys

I have experience working in the corporate setting and am familiar with the unique challenges and pressures that come with various workplace environments.

Relationship Coaching for the Workplace is helpful for the following industries:
Real Estate, Medical Private Practice, Insurance, Non-profit, Technology and Hospitality

Divorce Coaching with Malia

Divorce Coaching

Divorce. It occurs every 36 seconds in America. And it’s hard no matter where you are in your process, (even if you are lucky enough to split amicably.) Having been there myself and healed through my own process, I know and understand how scary and overwhelming it can be. If you are considering a divorce, starting a divorce or are in the middle of a divorce, you have come to the right place. Let’s figure out what kind of coaching support you are needing, depending where you are in your process.

Divorce Coaching can include: HOW TO tell your spouse you want a divorce, Communication strategies w/ your STBX, HOW TO tell your kids you you are getting a divorce, Coping with grief, Personal development, Time management + organizational skills, and more!


Post-Divorce Coaching

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the other side. Post-divorce. The new you! Your new life. This place is exciting, overwhelming and can also be daunting. It’s a transition of re-discovery, re-building and all things new for you… and your child/ren (if you have kids!).

Some topics we explore in Post-Divorce Coaching include:
legal frustrations + obstacles, family relationships, relationships w/ your child/ren, parenting responsibilities, financial responsibilities, co-parenting w/ your ex, co-parenting w/ a narcissist, re-entering the workforce, moving + starting over in a new place, self-confidence + self-esteem, new identity, guilt, relief, shame, fear of uncertainty, self-care, health + wellness, childcare, re-entering the dating world, goal setting and more!

Relationship & Sex Coaching

I had a couple’s client seek out Relationship + Sex Coaching in 2021 that said, “Our sex + relationship is great, but we want it to be f*ing awesome!” This is what Relationship & Sex Coaching is all about. We dive in and we get straight to the point. Malia will help you define your goals, give you homework, play + experimentation exercises and will hold you accountable so you meet your goals.

Some example topics covered in Relationship & Sex Coaching could cover: supports individuals and couples in learning vital skills for relating and communicating, discovering your erogenous zones and identifying your Personal Pleasure Constellation, identifying what arouses you, navigating solo sex (masturbation), sex education, use of sex toys, getting comfortable talking about sex, building self-confidence and self-esteem, intimacy tips + tricks, and more!

Relationship + Sex Coaching is talk ONLY. There is NO TOUCH INVOLVED. If you are looking for support with touch, please work with a certified Sexological Bodyworker.

Sexuality Coaching

Sexuality Coaching is a combination of goal setting, teaching, training, collaborating, motivating, validating and holding my clients accountable to achieving their sexual, intimacy and relationship goals.

You will learn from various resources, tools and techniques. In addition, homework will be assigned to advance you progress in between sessions.

Sexuality Coaching is talk ONLY. There is NO TOUCH INVOLVED. If you are looking for support with touch, please work with a certified Sexological Bodyworker.

ADHD Coaching

First off, I can relate. Through my own discovery, management and training in ADHD, I manage my own ADHD and love helping clients manage theirs as well. ADHD is a blessing and a curse. Through ADHD Coaching, we will focus on making lifestyle changes in the present and goal setting for the future. I will work with you on identifying obstacles, working through obstacles, fears and any perceived limitations that are standing in your way. I am passionate about helping you make positive change(s) in your life. I am here to help you develop new skills, strategies and techniques for attaining your goals and providing you with structure and discipline, along with compassionate support and encouragement. I am also here to hold you accountable which helps you step into your own self-leadership.

I can offer an ADHD brain assessment and educate you on supplements and lifestyle design/management.

If you decide you would like to try ADHD medication, we can work together to help you find a physician that can subscribe you medication.


Coaching is NOT covered by insurance.
Coaching is available within the United States currently.

50-min sessions
- $125 USD

50-min sessions
- $145 USD

6 person MINIMUM - 8 person MAXIUMUM
90-min sessions - $100/person USD

Intake Paper Work, Coaching Appointments, Payment, Cancellations & No-Shows

Consultation & Paperwork
Once you have scheduled your complementary 15-min consult, and we determine we are a good fit, Malia will provide you with the required paperwork prior to your first session to complete and return prior to your first coaching session.

I currently accept cash, credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover & American Express), PayPal and Venmo.
Gift are certificates available!

Coaching Fees
You will be provided with a Payment Link from Malia.
Payment is due the day of service.

Cancellation, Re-schedules & “NO-Shows”
48 Hour Cancellation policy. “No shows” or changes made within 48 hours of the scheduled appointment time will result in you being charged the full-session fee, as that prevents me from booking other appointments with other clients during that time.
You will receive a 48 and 24 hour appointment reminder email.

Mutual respect is the basis of a successful, collaborative, accountable relationship.

A relationship is an investment that will build as you continue to devote your time and effort. The more you put in, the more you’ll get back.” - Sumesh Nair